Love Notes From Heaven
Happy Valentine's Day!
The scripture "In nothing doth man offend those who confess not his hand in all things" D&C 59:21 sometimes runs through my mind. I'm a big believer in expressing thanks and showing gratitude so how can I not take this fine holiday opportunity to enumerate a few of the many love notes God sends to me...
1. That one time I really wanted a specific and expensive baby stroller because it suited my needs and fit everything on my wishlist... One day I found it listed on Ebay for a quarter of the retail price and it was only a few hundred miles away so shipping didn't cost an arm or a leg. Love note from God? I think YES.
2. That one time I really really prayed for some miracles in the life of a loved one... God said he couldn't grant that one currently, due to the agency of others, but he could perform two other small miracles for me that were completely unique little things personal to me. He performed those miracles without my even asking. Love notes from God? Absolutely!
3. That one time my husband and I were struggling to make ends meet...I helped a friend get ready to move and she asked if she could bring over to me a few items from her freezer as a thank you. I consented. She brought over two large boxes full of a substantial amount of frozen goods. Love note from God? Yes.
4. That one time I had a hard day in my church assignment...the doorbell rang and an acquaintance stood on my doorstep with baked goods for no other reason than she thought I might appreciate the gesture. Love note from God? You know it!
5. That one time a certain friend came into my life...a friend who could relate to my specific trial, a friend who is there with me through the laughs, the tears, the quiet, and the busy. She's my forever sister. Love note from God? Uh huh.
6. That one time I sat in a waiting room dreading the difficult appointment to shortly come...a woman walked through the door and approached the receptionist counter for check in. She was naturally gorgeous and wore expensive apparel. Noticing her glamorous presence in the room made my ordinary self feel all the more timid. Then she paused, looked my way, and with a simple, genuine smile said "hello". In that moment I no longer felt alone. Her gesture of kindness made all the difference for me that day. Love note from God? Of course.
7. That one time (actually more than one time), when I was in too much despair to focus on scripture study so I simply tried my luck at scripture roulette...the words on the page where my eyes first settled were exactly the consoling words I needed. Love notes from God? Yes, of the sweetest kind.
8. That one time I voiced my testimony to nonbelievers, then walked away feeling discouraged...I opened my scriptures only to a blank cover page and the Holy Ghost witnessed to me of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. Love note from God? Yes, in bold print.
9. That one time I had to do a very hard thing...after which I drove to the grocery store and in the check out line felt two arms fiercely wrap around my waist. I looked behind me to see a young girl, maybe six years old. I glanced quizzically at her mother who appeared just as puzzled as me. I looked down at the girl and said, "how did you know I needed a hug today?" She said nothing, but then let go, and away I went. Love note from God? No mistake there.
10. That one time a blue jay decided to take up residence in my back yard. Simple, sweet, beautiful. I love to watch him through the window. Love note from God? A subtle yet profound affirmative.
11. That one time (actually more than once) a friend contacted me via text, phone, email or in person simply because he/she acted on the good thought to do so. Love note from God? Those are the best kind.
The more I list, the more it seems I could go on and on. Dear Reader, are you seeing the love notes God sends you? They come frequently and in many forms, I promise.
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